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  • 透明带
  • 透螟


  • Study of zona pellucida dilating assisted method for mouse oocyte enucleation
  • Expression of nonfull - long human zona pellucida - 3 in cho cell with lentiviral vector
  • This result may indicate that the effect of pmrs on fertilization ability is not in sperm - zona pellucida recognition , but in sperm - egg fusion
  • As one of the most promising population control tools in the world today , immuno - contraception using zona pellucida glycoprotein antigens , specifically zp3 , may be used to control lagurus population
    卵透明带3 ( zp3 )蛋白是哺乳动物生殖过程中介导精卵结合的关键因子,已被用作免疫不育控制鼠害研究的主要靶抗原。
  • The recent development of a non - contact 1 . 48 rn diode laser system offers an excellent method for the basic research of physical properties of zona pellucida as well as the clinical application of assisted hatching
    一种新型的1 . 48 m二极管激光系统因其精确、快速而为透明带物理特性的基础研究及辅助孵出的临床应用提供了条件。
  • 2 . oocytes from follicles larger than 1 . 5 - 2 . 5mm in diameter had achieved the maximal diameter ( about 130 u m ) , the maximal volume of zona pellucida ( zp ) , and stopped growth . in the smaller antral follicles , oocyte diameter and zp volume increased with follicular growth . 3
    2 、表面直径1 . 5 - 2 . 5mm以上卵泡其卵母细胞已经达到最大直径(约130 m ) ,透明带体积也不再增加;在此前的有腔卵泡阶段,二者均随着卵泡直径增加而增加。
  • Some interest has been generated in studying the rationale for assisted hatching . some reports suggest that embryos with lower zona pellucida thickness ( zpt ) and higher zona pellucida thickness variation ( zptv ) had a better chance of successful hatching and so the patient become pregnant ; another reports suggest that in vivo aging ; in vitro culture and exposure to ultralow temperature may induce zona hardening and then impair the embryo ability of hatching
    有作者提出胚胎透明带厚度( zonapellucidathickness , zpt )小的胚胎孵出时阻力减小,而透明带厚度变化率( zonapellucidathicknessvariation , zptv )高的胚胎由于透明带上有一个明显薄的区域而使胚胎易于孵出;还有作者推测病人年龄、体外培养天数的增加及冷冻处理会增加透明带的硬度,使胚胎孵出困难。
  • A low implantation potential of human embryos replaced in the uterus after in vitro fertilization ( ivf ) is a great barrier in assisted reproduction . recently , failure of the embryonic zona pellucida to rupture following blastocyst expansion has been supposed as a possible contributing factor in implantation failure . and then an idea of creating a hole artificially in the zona pellucida , i . e . , assisted hatching ( ah ) has been put forward in order to help blastocyst hatching
    体外受精胚胎移植( invitrofertilization - embryotransfer , ivf - et )中胚胎种植潜力较低一直是困扰人们的一个问题,近年来的一些研究认为囊胚扩张后透明带不破裂可能是种植失败的一个原因,于是提出人为地在透明带上打孔帮助胚胎孵出,即辅助孵出( assistedhatching , ah )的思想。
  • There are so many molecules involved the fertility , such as : spl7 , a mammalian testis - and sperm - specific protein , can specifically bind with zona pellucida , dextran , dextran sulfated , and fucoidin . another germ cell cyritestin is a testis - and sperm - specific protein belonging to the adam family . it has a disintegrin domain at the n - terminal , known as a integrin ligand , that suggests cyritestin could be involved in sperm adhesion and fusion with the egg membrane previous study demonstration
    配子中的许多分子均参与了上述关键环节,如在精母细胞、精细胞和睾丸精子中表达,并特异性与卵子透明带糖蛋白、葡聚糖、糖酐脂结合的精子表面蛋白17 ( sp17 ) ,以及参与识别或与卵子膜上的整合素相互作用的adam家族成员之一的cyritestin蛋白等。
  • Two types of fibroblast cells were used as donor control , one derived from ear skin of an adult kunming albino mouse , and the other derived from a mouse fetus . three types of cells were transferred into perivitelline space under zona pellucida of rabbit oocytes respectively . the reconstructed oocytes were fused and activated by electric pulses , and cultured in vitro
    用二次电脉冲加6 - dmap联合激活或单独用二次电脉冲激活小鼠胚胎干细胞-兔卵母细胞异种重构卵时,联合激活组的卵裂率是86 . 2 ,明显高于单用二次电脉冲组( 64 . 2 , p 0 . 05 ) ,囊胚形成率分别为17 . 0和13 . 4 ,两组间没有显著差异( p 0 . 05 ) 。
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用"zona pellucida"造句  


  • thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains around the fertilized egg until it is implanted in the wall of the uterus


The zona pellucida (plural zonae pellucidae, also egg coat or pellucid zone) is a glycoprotein membrane surrounding the plasma membrane of an oocyte. It is a vital constitutive part of the oocyte, external but of essential importance to it.
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